Wildland Urban Interface

Firewise Tips

We live in a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) zone. Although our individual community is rated low to moderate risk for wildfire, there are areas very close to us that pose a potential risk of quick spread in the event of fire. A representative of the Two Rivers Wildfire Coalition attended our Third Quarter Board of Directors Meeting and provided information on how we could best prepare for a fire emergency. We are fortunate in that we have green space and an abundance of fire hydrants in our neighborhood, but danger exists from other areas that are high risk, such as proximity to the river wildland and other forested areas. Set up your plan and utilize the following suggestions:

  • Evacuation plan such as emergency alerts and a go-bag
  • Flat roof? Remove debris!
  • Keep a 5 foot area clean of shrubs, trees and woodpiles around your home
  • Review your personal insurance policy for fire and replacement value
  • To prevent home fires, clean out dryer vents each year and change smoke detector batteries (replace smoke detectors every 10 years)

Use the following resources to help protect your family and home:

The first step is to Register your cell phone for local emergency alerts.

Two Rivers Wildfire Coalition 

Firewise Tips


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