s b entrance

Thank you to the volunteers who organized and setup the display at both the South Broadway and High Tiara entrances creating a unique look for our neighborhood. A lot of preparation and work goes into organization even before setup and for that we are grateful to David and Diane Siemsen who make setup day look easy. So say thank you to our elves who light up our entrances. And a special thank you to homeowner David Smith who served as photographer. For more photos take a look in PHOTOS in the top toolbar/Holiday Luminaria.

South Broadway Entrance Luminaria Volunteers

David Siemsen

Diane Siemsen

Peggy Vaughn

John McCarney

Lanny McCormick

Jeanne Crouch

Lindagail Campbell 

Don Fry

Terry Harrison

Terry Herbeck

Eileen Lepisto

Jodi Goddard

Brian Olson

Brian Brandstetter

Bert Rewold

Bruce Noble

Up at High Tiara, Cheryl Alpha and Denny Long organized and setup the display.