Trees need care

Recent sightings of tree diseases in the Seasons

Recent evaluation by an arborist identified Mass Pitch Borer on Pinon Pine trees in our neighborhood.  You should also be aware that scale and Ips Beetle are common in the Grand Valley.  In addition, on Plum trees in our neighborhood, Crown Borer and Cytospora Canker have been observed.  Homeowners should be aware and contact their personal tree service if they notice any symptoms of disease of infestation.  Common area Spruce trees are also being watched for Cytospora Canker and Long Horned Pine Borer as they are also common in the valley.  All of these diseases and insects are becoming more prevalent due to the drought stress of the past several years.  Additional irrigation emitters are beneficial to combat disease.

Tree Care on Common Area Update:

Completed Tree Care for Spring 2023:

Alpine Tree Service has provided the HOA the following preventive tree care this spring.

Application of Xytech, (a systemic insecticide) to all pines at entrance and on Berm 4, including the two mugos and pinon pine at entrance. Xytech is a soil drench around the trunk to protect against soft scale and borers. Alpine reports that they have seen more incidents than usual of IPS beetles in Austrian pines over the winter. 

The four ash at South Broadway entrance have been treated with Mectinite to combat Ash Bark Beetle and Ash Borer. This is a systemic injection and should last for two years. 

Several other trees have been individually treated for scale.  Several Spruces have been examined for disease and will be treated accordingly.


Do you have a pinon pine on your property? or

Ash tree not looking so good?

Need a tree care provider?

Thinking of planting a new tree? Below is a suggested tree guide from the City of Grand Junction.