Please don't feed the deer

With fall and winter upcoming, some homeowner thoughts turn to helping out the wildlife that wander into our area, particularly the deer. We would like to suggest that you follow the protocol set by Colorado Parks & Wildlife when it comes to feeding wildlife. Feeding of deer will lead to not only a larger influx of deer, but also other animals that you may not want around: mice, packrats, raccoons and squirrels. Aside from the destruction of plants owned by other homeowners and the HOA, additional costs are incurred from destruction to homes and vehicles. Under the hood of your vehicle is a favorite hiding place of packrats and do they ever like the insulation around wiring! Feeding of songbirds should only take place during the winter and feeders that prohibit other animals should be used or areas should be fenced to prohibit other wildlife.  Above all else, spreading of apples and grain on the ground to feed deer is illegal! It is a violation of Colorado Law to feed large wildlife, including deer. Help protect the deer and at the same time, help us protect the homes and plant beds in our lovely neighborhood.

Additional Info from Colorado Parks & Wildlife:

Please Don't Feed the Deer

Don't Invite Deer into Your Home